| Forum Reply | Ageing . How do we feel about it at 18:32 4 Jan 2023
Well I'm 55, I suffered ill health for about 8 years from 42 on but feel blooming great now, after a couple of operations and change of lifestyle all is good. Ageing, it's ok. I always felt that I'd be happier when I hit 40 and ill health aside, that is true. This is the most settled, happiest time of my life. I look forward to the coming years with the hope that I will be able to afford to do what really interests me now, travelling. So ageing doesn't worry me. We must all grow old and die, just enjoy the time you have. |
 | Forum Reply | Banning at 13:32 4 Jan 2023
Yes, it's down to all of us so no abuse will go unseen, somebody will see a comment and if they think it abuse or lies, they can report it. Its not just down to the victim. The arguments have to be stopped, a way has to be found. No system will he perrfect but we won't know if this way works unless we try it. So let's try it. |
 | Forum Reply | Banning at 12:50 4 Jan 2023
Well that's down to the mods. They make the rules and we should follow them. If somebody is outright abusing, has a history and previous bans...or is being 'clever' it's up to the mods to deal with it. Nobody is so clever to get away with it forever. |
 | Forum Reply | Drakeford at 12:34 4 Jan 2023
Well they still spent 13k and what benefits has or will it produce? How do we know there will be any direct gain from this trip. No doubt they will put out some blurb to say there is a direct benefit, at some point. An extra few k's of lamb sales to Qatar is hardly worth it tho. |
 | Forum Reply | Banning at 12:25 4 Jan 2023
Ok, the cat is out and I agree with DrP, at least partly. If abuse is reported and upheld, then have both parties put the other on ignore. Saying that though, if a person is banned for abuse then coming back and saying things again would be extremely stupid and would surely result in another ban? |
 | Forum Reply | "Relaxed about it either way". New January cluster-flex approaching? at 10:58 4 Jan 2023
Blooming heck, Lorax has happened again, wtf! Anyway, 9 in 30 is almost 1 in 3 which, seeing as he's been playing as a 10 apparently, is a good return in my opinion. If his return is forced on Martin what does that say about the manager/owner relationship? Submerged rocks maybe? If the intention is to just sell him then so be it but I think he can male a good contribution I he's given a fair chance. |
 | Forum Reply | Banning at 14:21 3 Jan 2023
Yourenot the only one. I also have no idea how I logged in and switched from Catullus to Lorax? Wtflipping heck is going on? |
 | Forum Reply | Eight million for Joel Piroe ? Joe Allen surely now wants to return to Swansea ! at 00:08 25 Jun 2022
At 8 million we should laugh at Watford and tell them to get real! Now Joe coming back, that could make our midfield seriously interesting, does he drop Grimes or Downes to start with? it won't surprise many that I'd say Grimes should be dropped! I know the odds are against it but I really hope we can add Joe and keep Piroe and Oba. |
 | Forum Reply | What three things.... at 23:58 24 Jun 2022
I fully agree on that, a brilliant diversion but still, Loh, if you changed anything in history there would be no way of knowing how the new events would unfold. Imagine if we did something and the secret of nuclear weapons never got out and the USA was the only nuclear power, would that be better? It's easy to argue it would be better, that Russia and China could shut up or else but it's not that easy. Change one small thing and 70 years later it could end with M.A.D. I'd love to be able to go back and watch but I'd never want to interfere. |
 | Forum Reply | What three things.... at 23:39 24 Jun 2022
If I was going back just to see battles then it's still be Op Agreement but then it'd be Salamis and the battle of the Phillipine sea. Thing is, I'm not sure I'd really want to see one of the really big battles the ones I mentioned and Waterloo, Austerlitz, the bloodshed, the suffering, I could easily have enough of that in 5 minutes. Maybe I'd like to see the Gettysburg address or find out if the birth of Jesus actually happened, how about being there when Tuts tomb was opened, once you've seen one gorefest battle, that should be enough. |
 | Forum Reply | One for those opposed to strikes at 23:07 24 Jun 2022
Well that's obviously not right. When things go bad it's the ground staff who face job cuts and being told they have to perform better and usually without a pay rise. The top team, if they lose their jobs usually get a big payoff and then, despite having made a mess of things often walk into another ludicrously well paid job. This Nellis fella, if they sacked him I bet he'd get hundreds of thousands in a pay off. If the ground staff are made redundant it's what, a maximum of 36 weeks pay. PS, why does this guy getting a ridiculous pay rise mean striking is th best course of action? [Post edited 24 Jun 2022 23:14]
 | Forum Reply | What three things.... at 10:53 24 Jun 2022
What if you change it and make it worse though, then, what if you change something and it means you never get born? What if you caused a temperal paradox? What if you triggered a course of events that saw Hitler get nuclear weapons first? |
 | Forum Reply | What three things.... at 10:50 24 Jun 2022
You can't change anything mun! You are only an observer. Besides, you have no guarantee that changing something wouldn't make things worse and temperal mechanics make your ideas worthless anyway. What if magnanimity made things worse. What if Owen survived but a broken man by what he saw the other side of that canal What if you being at the Globe somehow damaged Shakespeare's future and the great works after Hamlet never got written? Be very careful what you wish for Loh, I thought you knew better. |
 | Forum Reply | Wales NHS at 10:43 24 Jun 2022
The only part of England that gets more money per head than Wales, is London. There is an obsession (not just in the UK) with making the capital city better. As if having a successful capital city is enough! It happens here in Wales, they seem to think making the capital a shining beacon means they are doing a good job when in reality governments across the world are letting down vast sections of their countries. It's a form of trickle down economics, Cardiff is doing well so Wales will do well and it's a stupid notion that is proven to be wrong. Trickle down doesn't work, the vast majority of wealth and reward stays in the capital, stays with the rich. It proves that politicians, regardless of party, are dumb because the tories in Westminster operate on this theory and the Senedd under labour follow this ideology too. As a result the majority of the Uk is being let down because of tunnel vision and greed. |
 | Forum Reply | Respecting others opinions at 10:19 24 Jun 2022
Yeah Daps, me and you have disagreed but we made our points and moved on, no drama, no arguments and get on with it. There's a few on here who can't move on, they turn what might be a 3/4 post debate into 3/4 pages of repetitive dirge. |
 | Forum Reply | Respecting others opinions at 21:17 23 Jun 2022
That you can do that and not feel the instant need to jump in tells me you are a better person than I! I say that in full acceptance that I can be very stupid and very wrong. |
 | Forum Reply | Wales NHS at 21:13 23 Jun 2022
it's only when you openly challenge those people that they post on such threads. Then we usually end up "but Westminster" comments. As if Westminster being utter rubbish means (in any way) the Senedd is not entirely hopeless. |
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