| Forum Reply | Eddie Jordan Has Passed Away ... at 11:50 20 Mar 2025
After his main driver got sent down for assault if I remember. Aston should do a big tribute to him this weekend. I'm sure F1 will as a whole. As a pundit he was almost Roy Keane like in his analysis. There's an interview of him and Max Verstappen and Eddies almost giving him a dressing down for his aggressive driving and Max was stroking the mic suggesting Eddie was being a knob. good drummer too btw. You can't say he didn't live life to the fullest. |
 | Forum Reply | Eddie Jordan Has Passed Away ... at 09:30 20 Mar 2025
RIP. One of sports characters. Those yellow and black Jordans of the 90's we're iconic (I have the livery on one of my super formula cars on GT7) how he made any money in that era of limitless budgets I'll never know. |
 | Forum Reply | Was corbyn the UK's last chance ? at 16:18 18 Mar 2025
hmmm not sure, take the T64 tank. Max speed around 30mph depending on conditions. Even unopposed you're looking at 8 hours flat out to get to the Rhine, 13 to Calais and then it would need refueling. They'd potentially would have conquered Europe if nukes were off the table but not in a 'blink of an eye' I do repeat pointing our weapons at the United States is delusional madness, whether you like them or not they're no1 and been proven to be so over the last 90 or so years. You can argue their shortcomings on the Iraq wars, Vietnam, Afghanistan etc. but when it boils down to the brass tax of it anyone who takes on the US military will be obliterated regardless of whos president. |
 | Forum Reply | The Rugby Regions in Wales at 14:00 18 Mar 2025
If it was Portugal instead of Georgia then it would already be the 7 nations. Unfortunately Georgia is a bit of a pig to get to. |
 | Forum Reply | Was corbyn the UK's last chance ? at 13:48 18 Mar 2025
Genuinely give it a google, there's a YouTube video by that historian Simon Whistler explains how it was declassified by the Poles in 2005 and how it would have played out in the soviets mind. Like I said an operation like that would need masses of men, equipment, planning and fortune and that's before you consider that the US had thousands upon thousands of troops in Germany stationed for such an act. It would not surprise me that a US general would say something along those line to save their own skin, from the Royal Navy sinking the French fleet after the fall of France to the Carthaginian scuttling of their fleet to avoid them falling into Roman hands its a known stance of nations to destroy their own assets or that of their allies for self preservation |
 | Forum Reply | Was corbyn the UK's last chance ? at 13:33 18 Mar 2025
You don't know what's in those letters of last resort and more importantly neither does the enemy, I don't like them but the main reason why the cold war didn't warm up was nukes admittedly we came close once or twice but WW3 has been avoided due to the fact it would eventually lead to mutually assured destruction. While NATO holding the button is a thought which general/field marshal in NATO would be tasked with holding onto the button? The main reason the French have their own 'force de dissuasion' is they want to have 100% control of such a devastating system. If we gave up trident tomorrow, invested in better armed forces procurement that would leave the European continent with one nuclear armed nation, that makes Europe a much easier target for whoever wants to relive past glories of conquest. |
 | Forum Reply | Was corbyn the UK's last chance ? at 10:47 18 Mar 2025
Seven days to the Rhine would never of worked no matter how lightening their warfare was. You cant traverse that distance with that large a front against a Europe in 7 days, it would be a stretch with modern forces. Also troops would be charging across irradiated land with little to no protection. The Americans are indeed out for themselves as any country is but I'd rather have them focus on our shared enemies than on us and I certainly wouldn't point our weapons at them. That would be suicidal. |
 | Forum Reply | Was corbyn the UK's last chance ? at 09:32 18 Mar 2025
The point isn't to fire, the point is not to be fired upon. I advise you and anyone screaming to scrap Trident to Google 'Seven days to the Rhine' in short it was a plan for the Warsaw Pact to conquer Europe with a mixture of tactical nukes and 'blitzkrieg' style tactics. While the plan was ambitious/suicidal at best it relied on NATO's article 5 being a bluff. Its also in the plan to not strike France or the UK with nukes of any kind now why do you think that was? I'm no fan of Nuclear weapons, I'd love them to disappear forever but that's like saying I'd like all the worlds illnesses to be cured. Its not going to happen. |
 | Forum Thread | Wales International Matches at 10:59 18 Apr 2023
Just a thought, should they get relegated this season would the CCS no longer be able to host Wales football matches as L1 carries on during international breaks? I know the Football association of Cardiff would rather have the games at Cardiff Corinthians gaff than the dotcom but like I said food for thought.. [Post edited 18 Apr 2023 10:59]
 | Forum Reply | Ken Bruce at 15:03 17 Jan 2023
Looks that way, Wogan was class to be fair. Vine has a premise of a good show its just he comes out with these ridiculous comments and I'm 'just eff off is it you wew!' guess its those comments that get people phoning in. I always enjoyed Wright another one who was on the beeb for years, sh!t on from a great height as they all have. I always said part of the reason of the license fee is the radio but to be honest they seem hellbent on killing that off so might as well privatize the lot the way its going. |
 | Forum Reply | Scotland gender recognition law. at 14:56 17 Jan 2023
It's the genuine individuals who suffer gender dismorphia that I feel sorry for, being used ANOTHER political football for politicians to get what they want. You mean to tell me Sturgeon kicking up a massive fuss, driving a huge wedge between Hollyrood and Westminster because shes being a bastion of transgender rights?? Get outta here!! |
 | Forum Reply | Ken Bruce at 14:11 17 Jan 2023
yeah I bet he could see the way the wind was blowing with the future of the station, I'll give the new guy a fair shot but I can see the beeb losing listeners hand over fist. The market is flooded now with commercial Radio offering big contracts to these established presenters and good luck to them. I still have Moyles on RadioX as an alarm clock even though its not the same but it I knew it wouldn't be. I'm waiting for a station to take a punt on bringing Mark and Lard back then you will be bailing! |
 | Forum Reply | Ken Bruce at 13:47 17 Jan 2023
I don't know what they're thinking. Chris Evans was a bit marmite but Zoe Ball cant get near him. Bruce I understand you can't go on forever but that Owain lad, really? Vine is Vine, Scott Mills I like but he's toned down a LOT since R1 and I didn't think he needed to do that (a little bit yeah of course) but he's only on for 2 hours. Coxy's alright but no Simon Mayo Looks like after desamiting R1 its turned it's attention to R2. |
 | Forum Reply | Ken Bruce at 13:02 17 Jan 2023
I'm gutted, loved Ken on R2. The office stops for Popmaster. By the looks its for the Money as he's going to greatest hits and taking Popmaster with him. Replacement is the drummer weather man from Ammanford so see how that pans out following a 8.5million audience. |
 | Forum Reply | Stranger Things at 08:36 7 Jun 2022
That scene at the end of ‘dear billy’ was a astounding. Not been that gripped in a show for a while. Heard Kate bush’s running up that hill has made a resurgence in the charts owing to that episode. Best season since the first |
 | Forum Reply | Gareth Bale MBE at 13:31 2 Jun 2022
It’s so funny. Also the same lot crying about madrid fans being disrespectful and running him down are now being disrespectful and running him down. Ian Curtis made a point that when his pops had one nothing but praise. |
 | Forum Reply | Gareth Bale MBE at 12:40 2 Jun 2022
If you want a giggle have a look at the Facebook and Twitter comments on his official pages thanking the queen. The free wales army types are losing their collective pwp over it 😂😂😂 |
 | Forum Reply | Unusual things during covid at 16:10 5 May 2022
I DIY'd a greenhouse, I never up until that point had any interest in gardening, Tomato's doing lovely now |
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