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It's WAR
at 20:34 13 Feb 2018

Yep that pitch
other scores
at 19:58 13 Feb 2018

"Best lge in the world" (Cough)
Snow joke!
at 00:21 12 Feb 2018

ha ha Great picture that
Any idea of the ground ?
at 02:49 10 Feb 2018

What does this poch actually want the Fa to do exactly ?
Dont understand
Millwall had to play on this pitch so why not spurs and the Dale players do as well
Just back from the Millwall - cardiff game and many people talking about the game in the week
Hardly anybody mentioned the pitch tbh and i spoke to 3 who went
All they were on about was all the changes and they were fuming about that but not much else
6 changes millwall made today from the Dale game, and tbh Gregory and Morison at times ripped em apart
Infact we were al saying how fantatic our pitch was and some said they missed all the muddy pitches and when it cut up
Cardiff were very physical and very direct, i think for them Dales pitch would be a piece of p..s from them and prob suit em ha
We , millwall are guite a big side but they are land of the giants and full of all the tricks, a real warnock type side
The crowd were really up for it, one of the cardiff players said after the game it was the best atmosphere he had ever played in front of
I will be keeping a eye out for the Dale result today
I think rochdale can beat spurs , they have a hard game that week as well in ECup
Ex millwall player Harry Kane was actually at the game last nite doing selfies outside
at 19:42 8 Feb 2018

That Coventry game is there any actual footage ?
Love to see the older games esp cup ties and cup upsets by the minnows
Maybe you tube
at 15:46 8 Feb 2018

Pochettino: “I think the FA Cup (sic) need to take a look at the Rochdale pitch and decide if it is good for the competition. I think it is a big risk to play on a pitch like this"

This is on the MAIN millwall site
if this has any legs you can be sure the Legal team will be all over it
You can see what they are trying to do, these foreign managers and the premier Darlings think they are something special
Trying all sorts like having a massive debate about a few kids on the pitch(ive seen the pics ) trying to make out as if it was another Luton or some major off
Uncalled for ok but goes with the territory im afraid
And Sir Neil has not helped with his comments
I can tell you many many of the fans are not too pleased with him at the moment with his crying and the shit side he put out
If the game is postponed as well many will not be happy we had to play on it so should they have to
Being on the Tv i dont think their is much chance of this tbh and many spurs fans will not want to travel for a week end fixture
I tell you what thou Dale better step up the security , if you have another pitch invasion whatever the score , the country will be watching
Infact already on the millwall site they are saying how much are Dale gonna be fined for the other night ha ha, Last season millwall were fined £35,000 for the pitch invasion v Leicester
I dont recall the Dale ever getting so much publicity infact in london dont think ive ever heard their name ever mentioned
Seems a slow day in the sports newsdesk
Last night Cundy on talkshit was saying the Fa cup should just be stopped and the league cup
And after the newport -spurs game him and another bod a top reporter was saying their should not be any more replays
Itsa all prem and money money
Rochdale vs Millwall - Has the FA Cup lost its magic?
at 22:19 7 Feb 2018

Yes Good quality
And good to be near the pitch unlike the so called bigger clubsb grounds miles up in the air
Hope its ok ive put it up on the wall site
By the way Talksport now Jason Cundy in answer to your question his is 100% Yes
Also said there should be no replays should be settled on the day
Works for chelski a real prem luvvie another with no real love of the game , its all cash cash and no romance
Fella rung in as well and agreed, if these people had their way the game last nite would not have even taken place
at 21:33 7 Feb 2018

Lambert !
Never realized he played for you lot
Great player, always scored against us it seems
I remember the season they came up(Div 1) millwall were 2 0 up ht and second half he scored 3 ! 2 pens
Funnily enough the only England game, New Wembley ive been to was V Scotland when as you prob know he came on for his debut and scored the winner
I remember his face after he scored , love them type of fairy-tale scenarios when they have come up the hard way
I was at Wembley when sheringham and shearer tore the dutch apart at wembley in the ECs
Should have played for England when he was at millwall, but of course you have to play for a big club for that to happen (ha ha bitter)
Lambert dont hear of him now dont know if his still at Liverpool or retired tbh
This spurs game is as boring as watching paint dry tbh 2 -0 and they are in 3rd gear
at 21:21 7 Feb 2018

at 21:19 7 Feb 2018

What do you lot feel about a 3G pitch ?
i saw a non lge game a few months ago Fisher a local non lge club have one looked ok but hard to tell
Sutton have one as well dont they
Just read today funnily enough Bromley have one as well, i used to live in Bromley and went to a few games down the years but not since this surface has been put down
Never knew this but they are doing well in cup and lge in the quarters of the trophy but to go a step up to the next lge they are not allowed , like sutton and a few others if they go up the pitch would have to be ripped up as they are not allowed !
They are good because they can be used for the community all weeks and a bit of a money spinner
Fishers place is owned by millwall and the womens team play on it and sunday sides play there as well, and netball etc as well ive been told
I recall QPRs astro and Oldhams , not keen myself, Anybody see a game on astro ?
Played myself on a few astro pitches and found it hard on the feet
Anyway thinking about now as i type would be a waste of time as the football Lge obvs would not allow it if non lge teams dont allow
Thou ive read these clubs are thinking of taking the Authoritys to court to change the ruling so who knows
at 20:55 7 Feb 2018

im sure I heard a Millwall fan on the radio on sat night say that the most they have paid for any player is 750k.

Millwall have a dark reputation with the F troop and half way liners I recall from the 70s and 80s..but its blown out of proportion by the media at every opportunity..financially the club must be in a very healthy state and Neil Harris has done a great job there as a player and manager overcoming serious health issues..if they were to sack him they would quickly spiral into the farce we presently see at the likes of Leeds

its deffo gonna be Spurs 2-0 and strolling it tbh
Yeah infact a little known fact for you lot millwall have the oldest tranfer record fee now in English football 1989 Paul Goddard £800,000 when in Div 1/prem
sold a few for more than this kennedy,thatcher,keller,Armstrong, Cascarino, Sheringham etc
selling club always have been
Funny with the spurs thing now , my first ever game was Vs Spurs facup as i said before on here the old Den over 40,000 and the replay whl near 59,000 !
I have been watching the game at wembley on a live dodgy link ha but good quality on the wall site
Many are still moaning at harris on there ha ha quite funny
Out of interest what is the Dales record signing ? and who would you say was the most famous player you have had and best ?
Any who went on to have good careers and bigger things
Amazing what a leveller being at home is, still amazes me the difference and how even top players dont perform at times
who knows
what you need is for it to bucket down as well maybe about 30 mins before kick off
with tv they would never call it off
I recall a game old den v wolves on tv , it was a farce esp at the start
I miss the days of shit pitches with snow as well not a layer, loads of the stuff with a red ball
Good Luck
at 17:20 7 Feb 2018

Big thanks for your contributions over the last couple of weeks Rodders.

This forum has been a bit flat lately and you and your team have given us all a new impetus.

Hope our Club go onto better things now.......revitalised for a crack at staying up.

No probs , im more of a talker than typer ha, but have a go
And Yes he who dares born Peck ham breed and dragged up ha
If i see any funny stuff, that might amuse i will stick some up
shame they are on lock downs members only
I look for snippets to pass on to a blogger
Danny Baker aint happy, someone told him to "on your bike and go write another piece of fiction you ............. well you get the gist
at 17:04 7 Feb 2018

See a little bit of publicity and they are on it
We are used to it
He dont like us at all before the game he said "the pitch is a disgrace but the type of football millwall play it shouldnt affect them that much"
Mind and im not saying this is anything to be proud of but when he came down to follow his team Peterborough he got what was described as a slap
AND on the way home from the game he pissed his trousers ! he was moaning because the police would let him come off the platform at South Bermondsey station
All on twitter and he made a complaint about the police
Civil liberties and all that
On spurs site cock something loads of their fans are saying the game should not go ahead on "that shitheap" "Dale should be fined" "why should our highly paid talented players play on a park pitch and get possible injurys"
"will it be policed properly and more stewards, heard they even tried to have it with wall last nite fans on the pitch hitting stewards"
"How can a professional football club be allowed to have a pitch like that aint they got a groundsman"
"Will they be kicking harry to bits on that bog"
ha ha We call em the 96 ers or the Prem luvvies
Comedy gold
its a shame on these sites they are members only, its comedy gold
This game has legs
Even some of wall have gone all scouse and Leeds
The site you can look at and someone has put up aint the real wall site
Much more traffic and banter
Someones put up a Ad for black armbands and pieces of grass you can order online
One has even said Harris should be sacked !
Played wolves recently and one player they had cost £18mill, the WHOLE millwall team cost less than 2mill
Social media dontcha just love it
Good Luck
at 16:36 7 Feb 2018

Just thought you may be interested in this , taken from a fan who is a press guy and writer of the history of the club Millwall fc
And also a prolific writer of many books including being a whisky expert
My Drivel is at the bottom or as they say my Pennyworths
ry very well known wall fan Lions of the South
Reproduced this in full
Good read

A Night of Shame to Blight Millwall's 133 Year History

Read more:

This unquestionably was one of the most appalling nights in Millwall's history.

Not because we lost to Rochdale. But how and why.

Never before in our long, until this evening proud history have we ever sent essentially a reserve team to an opposing ground to do battle in the FA Cup. The fact that a 5th round home tie against Spurs, and a half million pound payday, has been squandered made the decision all the more appalling. The chance for young Millwall fans to see in the flesh the players they only ever see on tv. And chance of glory and revenge...

A couple of Rochdale directors I spoke with were utterly bemused with our team selection. It was not, to put it mildly, what they expected. I apologised to them sincerely, as a true Millwall supporter, for our team management disrespecting Rochdale as a football club, as they had our travelling support who had risked life and limb on icy roads to turn up - and hopefully return home unscathed - in good numbers. (As someone at Rochdale dryly commented: "Funny, I thought you were a Championship Club who we beat in the league last season. I hadn't realised you were a high and mighty moneybags Premier team who could afford to put your first team on the bench." Quite)

Also I congratulated them wholeheartedly because, to reach the FA Cup 5th Round for only the third time in their entire history, they had to beat what what was put in front on them....which turned out to be not very much, and wished them well.

Rochdale were a team. We were not. Just a ragtag bunch of mainly disorganised and disinterested individuals, with the exception of the goalkeeper and back line who must have surveyed what was going on in front of them with the same dismay the traveling contingent must have felt from the stands.

I was sitting next to a Premier League scout and his total inability to work out what was supposed to be going on on the pitch, especially when the substitutions were finally made, matched mine entirely. Neither of us could work out shape, who was supposed to be doing what, why we were so narrow, how Gregory was supposed to get any service....

The Millwall back four are above censure. Shackle in particular made some sublime tackles to get us out of trouble.

But Williams, Fred and Elliott in particular were truly pitiable. Absolutely shocking to a man: it was like playing with eight men. When late on Gregory curled a sublime cross between the Rochdale goalkeeper and his defence it needed Elliott only to attack it from two feet away and an undeserved equaliser would have been had. But he stood motionless and let the open goal pass him by. It summed up much of his and our game.

I will forgive Purley's plagiarism for his intro of his Just Back. It reproduced just about word for word my rant about Harris' decision to field our reserves in the first encounter with Rochdale at The Den. But in the context of this evening it was spot on and he was correct to say it.

Our manager has done much this season to be praised for. But every withering criticism of Neil Harris on here is deserved tonight. After 133 years he is the first manager ever to field a Reserve team in the FA Cup - all the more shocking considering it was Dennis Wise constantly playing a first team - even at Telford United on a pitch a lot worse than tonight's - that gave him probably the greatest moment of his playing career: an FA Cup Final at Wembley.

So he fact he should treat the competition and us - and Rochdale AFC - with such contempt makes this evening all the more unforgivable and unpalatable. And by fielding such an overly diluted team he has, as Moody sums up elsewhere perfectly, possibly weakened the ties of some supporters not just from the club but the game itself.

We are not going up. We are not going down. We have a game on Friday, but so what? The gap between Tues and Friday is no shorter than that between Saturday and Tuesday. So if we, a very average 2nd tier side, can't even be bothered to send out our First XI to win a vital FA Cup tie, then why as fans should we be bothered to support them?

Which then in turn begs the question: what is the bloody point of Millwall FC at all...?

Only One team deserved to win this tie and it was not the ones who came by coach from
ok the pitch was a disgrace tbh and we all know if it had been a lge game it would not have took place
We have our own scum who have held the club back with their "antics" so no comment from me on the kids on the pitch
Mind they were lucky the mad lot were not there or it would have got ugly 100%
The tickets that were sold were to only season ticket holders and members
Obvs the club have all the addresses and details of these people unlike when it goes open sale and this when the trouble starts
Some are even saying it was a conspiracy saying the chairman and the club did not want to play spurs , ha ha what with the policing costs and the the possible trouble and all the bad publicity
(The last time we played them at home 2001 there were 174 arrests ! and this was a testimonial !
What tosh
As i have said on here i have a soft spot for the Dale as years ago i came to a game (non wall) and on the train back i traveled with a Rochdale London based fan and we kept i touch and i look out for the results
He has since moved to the states but we still keep in touch and YES he has been on to wind me up via E mail
He may even come over for the spurs game possb i may join him , dont know how hard it will be ticket wise
Anyway the game, millwall were abstly shit a embarrassment
Many have gone a bit scouse and Leeds what with Neils comments and some asking the club OFFICIALLY for a refund !! i kid you not well the 2 coaches
They are saying they thought it was a first team fixture and not a reserve lge game
Must admit i would not have come if i knew the team
Being of a age when the cup was really really something maybe my views are different bit i think Harris is a disgrace , and the club he represents should be ashamed
This may not end well now, we play Cardiff live on friday sky and a few will make their feelings known
Its been reported , no its official the players were supposed to have today off but they have been told to report into to training today and a rumour 2 have not turned up
This is all the making of Sir Neil going all bertie big
Tbh i would rather win againts spurs and go down as thats what we do has we dont invest in players, we will go down as we always do anyway eventually
We strike lucky with players in a golden period then they go to bigger clubs and we replace them with shit like the 2 black forwards last nite who are Div 2 or non lge players at best
Our 4 best players this season never played last nite and are not injured so why
The best memores for me are near enough all in the cup Knocking the Lge champions out last season Leicester, Beating chelsea at the bridge twice, Beating Arsenal at highbury,
sunderland in the semi final
I know this may sound like crying when some on here are saying the Spurs game is your biggest game in your entire history
Really aint you been in League cup FINAL ?
Anyway, well done and good luck with the spurs game, mind you may find some of your players switch off or will be affected by the big game
Dont want that with the battle to stay up
Have to say i thought Andrews gave us some big problems in the game and of course set the goal up
He actually played for millwall on loan and some were saying he was the worst player we had playing for us in our history
Spose it will be hard to get a ticket
I think if Spurs get a early goal or two tonite they could run Swanseas scoreline last nite close on that massive pitch
Sorry if ive bored , just thought id share
On a shit keyboard in a crowded internet cafe excuse type
Dale v Millwall replay - all ticket
at 21:44 5 Feb 2018

Sorry to infiltrate your board , just thought you might be interested in this review
Just been loaded up
Dale v Millwall replay - all ticket
at 21:37 5 Feb 2018

Are you coming up Rodders?? warned it's f*cking freezing up here,bring your thermals and as many Wall fans as poss,we need your money

Yes as it stands
Seems many are worried about what time to set off and lots of "will the game be called off"
I think now with this social media its gone all over the top
As long as no danger to the fans, walkways etc dont think their will be a problem
Just read Leeds have apptd a new manager heckythump ? ha barnsley manager
wow so a team in 10th takes the manager of a team in 21st ! ok
Another set of fans who dont like us , beat us in the play offs the other year at wembley, mind they had about 6 prem lge loans playing for them
Sold half their team since then
Dale v Millwall replay - all ticket
at 20:54 5 Feb 2018

ha ha some of the Wall fans are in meltdown
A few pictures have been put up of the "pitch" on the sites
Saying it should not be allowed to take place on that "shitheap"
"Why should professional footballers have to play on that, kin disgrace"
"Game should be played at the Den"
"Throw the game dont want any of our players getting injurys"
"is it on, when will it be confirmed for those traveling"
Lots of banter saying "all a bit prem lge and sky kids comments all pitches were like that years ago"
Even a rumour millwall may now call up a 6ft 6 player, yes thats right up there with Crouch was on loan and scored 3 v Braintree cup last season just called back from loan period
Ha Giving away the secrets aint i
Joking aside many think the pictures of the pitch are a wind up
One said "bit late for planting potatoes aint it" on seeing the holes
Morison will be playing i think with possb the Giant alongside him in place of Gregory, maybe give him a rest or on the bench
The worst pitch ive ever seen a game played on was the Local Non Lge side Dulwich Hamlet in the last ever season of the old amateur cup v Friar Lane Old Boys , the game went ahead as the Leicester officials said they could not get their players off work or afford travel expenses to come back for rearranged game that week
All games in London were called off that day inc millwall, only game i have heard real laughter , it was a complete farce but also interesting
Pass backs were not the order of the day
I miss the games with snow on the pitch, blue lines and a red ball watching with a Bovril !
at 23:55 31 Jan 2018

Football has gone mental
Not a bad player but £6 mill
millwall have signed 3 players last 2 days
Also think madine has convictions and heard he was trouble
Spurs at home
at 21:16 29 Jan 2018

Eh we've played Millwall in the league last season and the season before? New ground?

Yeah i know but still it was a huge gap from the clubs prev meetings and i think one of em was a Evening game, i may be wrong
Plus millwall dont usually do coaches and even when they do in general people dont like using them which makes transport very difficult
I have never been to see millwall play there but have seen other games at the spot
I may go to this one
Spurs at home
at 21:00 29 Jan 2018

millwall have won 1 league game away from home out of 14 this season scoring just 10 goals

Yep they have been very unlucky thou tbh, thrown a 2 goal lead away from home 3 times
Also the forewards are not up to championship level Morison knocking on now Gregory has good touch and skill 1st touch etc but misses loads of chances
Tend to rely on mid field players for goals
Must have the lowest scoring foreward players in the Champs
If anyone is interested aptly Derby who millwall play tomorrow night at the Den have offered £500,000 for Gregory and today millwall have signed Tim Cahill and a left back from Norwich toffolo ?
I would think if millwall play the same side at Dale they played sat i would expect Rochdale to go through esp from reading stuff about the Pitch
Mind if Harris plays that side he will never be forgiven by many with this Cup draw and the possibilites
I think quite a few want to go to the replay as for many its a new ground to tick off
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