| Forum Reply | Dunne? at 18:01 10 Aug 2023
Depends how serious it is - but seen professional jockeys back in the saddle far quicker than that after a dislocation - maybe they are a bit tougher! |
 | Forum Reply | Dunne? at 17:55 10 Aug 2023
Yep - its a dislocation, he's had an operation and it will be "a while" before he is back |
 | Forum Reply | "Our Rangers Back" at 14:42 8 Aug 2023
Thanks for that reasoned debate - another one on the ignore list. Won't be worth coming on here soon. |
 | Forum Reply | The Positives thread. at 15:17 6 Aug 2023
Fox, Colback and maybe the other new bloke on the bench , SHOULD improve and therefore SHOULD improve the team.. Window not shut so sure we will get another forward body in. Hate calling players out but surely anyone in place of Dozzell will be an improvement. Final one, with maybe a negative attached - GA said ther were heated words afterwads - good - they care but also said we had to pull together but that infers they are not. |
 | Forum Reply | "Our Rangers Back" at 15:12 6 Aug 2023
Can't argue with any of that - how many feel I suspect. |
 | Forum Reply | "Our Rangers Back" at 12:59 6 Aug 2023
Fair enough - but is that particularly "Rangers" and isn't it what everyone wants and expects from every player at every club and what Ainsworth wants as well - so who or what is supposed to achieve that - would sacking GA help in that regard? |
 | Forum Reply | "Our Rangers Back" at 12:57 6 Aug 2023
Bit of a politicians answer that "180 across the whole thing" - what does that actually mean? 12 years we've been "embarrassing" - really? |
 | Forum Reply | Referees at 12:55 6 Aug 2023
In that case you're saying time wasting is fine. Can't have it both ways! |
 | Forum Reply | Referees at 12:52 6 Aug 2023
Perfectly reasonable reply, but just shows "We can't win" really! Davman - Cheers! |
 | Forum Thread | "Our Rangers Back" at 12:45 6 Aug 2023
OK - disclaimer first - anyone paying and going can sing what they want (within the obvious parameters) - but what DOES the "We want our Rangers back?" actually mean? On the playing side - a 3rd division team too good for the 3rd and 2nd tiers but woefully under prepared for the top - 1969? Nearly the best team in the whole country - 1976? The best team in the 2nd tier, but again woefully under prepared for the top - Warnock OR is it the ownership side - but really the Jim Gregory one man band just wouldn't work today and has anyone really been a success on that side since? Sooooooo anyone who sang it, or anyone who hasn't - what DOES the chant really mean/want? |
 | Forum Reply | Shthousing clampdown at 17:34 3 Aug 2023
Managers not happy with the laws being applied IF they think it will disadvantage them - what a surprise! |
 | Forum Reply | Serious questions for the club at 17:49 31 Jul 2023
You seriously want them to publish their plans for relegation in the week before the new season starts? |
 | Forum Reply | Ainsworth on Oxford at 17:47 31 Jul 2023
and we're not favourites with most bookmakers. |
 | Forum Reply | Ainsworth on Oxford at 17:43 31 Jul 2023
Well he finished on a very poor run, so no chance/evidence to show he could that one round. |
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